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Updated: Sep 21, 2020

Draught Beer - 2 Pint / 4 Pint Cartons

Brockley Brewery 2 pint and 4 pints cartons are poured straight from the cask on the day of your delivery. This ensures the beer is as fresh as possible. The beer will be at its best on the first day however it does last for up to 3 days.

Cask ale is not a flat warm drink but it is also not excessively fizzy. Lager is served at between three and five degrees and carbonated, while ale is served between 12 and 14 degrees with only a slight, natural carbonation.

Make sure you store your cask beer at 12 - 14 degrees Celsius, if the beer is too hot or cold it will lose flavour and carbonation so make sure you check the temperature of your fridge if that's what your planning to use.

Our beer is transported to your door in plastic milk cartons, these are not used to being filled with a carbonated product so they do expand slightly which reduces the height of the beer in the carton however we always fill the cartons up over the two pint line to make sure you get your money's worth.

Mini Keg

Our mini-kegs hold 5 litres of beer – almost 9 pints.   

Our beers are fresh. The mini-kegs have a shelf life of 5 weeks, but once they are opened, it is best to drink the beer within 4 days. but it does last 7 days.   

The mini-keg is simple to operate. There is a link to an online guide on the keg. Or simply follow the following steps:  

1.    Vent the Keg Vent the keg by opening the red valve on top of the keg. Lift the red handle, and turn it anti-clockwise giving it a quarter turn  

2.    Getting ready to pour Place the keg on the edge of a stable, flat surface. Bend the red tab on the front of the keg towards you and pull out the tap. The stem will ease out of the keg.   3.    Pouring the beer Hold a tilted glass under the tap. Turn the tap anti-clockwise to pour the beer.  Pour the beer down the side of the glass.  

4.    Close the Tap Close the tap by turning clock-wise. It is not necessary to push in the tap after every use.  

Top Tips:  Once opened, the beer will stay fresh for up to 3 days as long as you keep the beer refrigerated.   Make sure that the keg is cold before you serve your beer. If it is too warm, it may create a lot of foam when pouring. 

Due to COVID-19 health & safety we cannot take mini kegs back for reuse however they are 100% recyclable!

Bag in Box

Your Brockley Brewery mini cask contains about 9 pints and is poured straight from the cask on the day of delivery. It will be freshest on the first day but it does last 3-4 days opened or unopened.

Make sure you store your cask beer at 12 - 14 degrees Celsius, if the beer is too hot or cold it will lose flavour and carbonation so make sure you check the temperature of your fridge if that's what your planning to use.

Top Tip: Pour the beer into your glass from a distance for maximum head.


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